Thinking About Moving Into Your Dream Home? Now Might Be the Time

A high inventory of luxury homes and a high demand for starter homes make transitioning into your dream home a very real possibility right now in our market.
Looking to sell a home in Southern California?  
Looking to buy a home in Southern California? 
Do you live in a house that no longer fits your needs and are thinking about making the leap and moving into your dream home or a luxury home?

Well, guess what? Now is a great time to do so. The inventory of homes for sale in the luxury market far exceeds the number of people looking to purchase these properties. This means these homes often stay on the market longer or can be found at a discount.

If you have a starter home or a trade-up home you want to sell, you’ll find that there are more buyers competing for that type of home and entering bidding wars to purchase them. This way, you’ll be able to get more money for the home you have now to help you finance your new home. The sale of your starter home or trade-up home will aid in producing a larger down payment for your new luxury home. Even 10% down on a $1 million home equates to $100,000.
At the moment, many luxury homes can be found at a discount.

The best time to sell anything is when demand is high and supply is low. Demand for starter homes and/or trade-up homes is very high, so if you currently live in one and it doesn’t fit your needs and you are looking to step up into a luxury home, now is the time to list it for sale and make your dreams come true.

If you have any questions or are thinking about moving up into a luxury home, give me a call or send me an email. I’d be happy to assist you.